Top 10 ways auditors use AI in performing Financial Audits

Last updated: April 2023

As financial auditing continues to evolve with the ever-changing business landscape, auditors are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to assist them in their work. AI can help auditors identify anomalies, detect fraud, monitor compliance, and provide valuable insights and recommendations to improve audit quality.

With the increasing use of AI in financial auditing, it is important for board directors to understand how these technologies are being used, as well as their benefits and limitations. By gaining a better understanding of AI and its impact on financial auditing, board directors can make informed decisions and provide the necessary oversight to ensure that audits are performed effectively, efficiently, and with the highest level of quality.

If you want to learn more about the AI algorithms that we mention below, please refer to this article:

AI Algorithms commonly used in Corporates: Supervised, Unsupervised & Reinforcement Learning
  1. Transactional Analysis: AI can analyze large volumes of transactions to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate potential fraud or errors.
    • Example: Analyzing credit card transactions to identify potentially fraudulent activities.
    • AI model or algorithm: Machine learning algorithms such as clustering, classification, and regression.
  2. Risk Assessment: AI can help auditors identify areas of high risk and prioritize their audit efforts accordingly.
    • Example: Identifying high-risk vendors based on past audit results and financial data.
    • AI model or algorithm: Bayesian networks, decision trees, and neural networks.
  3. Anomaly Detection: AI can detect unusual or unexpected patterns in financial data, which may indicate fraud or errors.
    • Example: Detecting unusual expense patterns in financial data.
    • AI model or algorithm: Statistical methods such as regression analysis, clustering, and time-series analysis.
  4. Predictive Analytics: AI can be used to create predictive models that identify potential risks and trends, which can help auditors plan their audit procedures.
    • Example: Predicting which invoices are likely to have errors or discrepancies.
    • AI model or algorithm: Machine learning algorithms such as decision trees, neural networks, and logistic regression.
  5. Natural Language Processing: AI can analyze unstructured data such as emails and documents, and extract insights that can be used in the audit process.
    • Example: Analyzing employee emails to identify potential instances of fraud or collusion.
    • AI model or algorithm: Techniques such as sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and text classification.
  6. Image Recognition: AI can recognize and analyze images of financial documents, such as receipts and invoices, to identify potential errors or fraud.
    • Example: Recognizing and analyzing images of receipts and invoices to identify potential errors or fraud.
    • AI model or algorithm: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and other deep learning algorithms.
  7. Compliance Monitoring: AI can monitor financial transactions to ensure compliance with regulations and internal policies.
    • Example: Monitoring financial transactions for compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.
    • AI model or algorithm: Rule-based systems, machine learning algorithms, and neural networks.
  8. Fraud Detection: AI can analyze financial data to identify potential instances of fraud, such as invoice fraud or payroll fraud.
    • Example: Identifying potential instances of invoice fraud or payroll fraud.
    • AI model or algorithm: Machine learning algorithms such as decision trees, neural networks, and logistic regression.
  9. Continuous Auditing: AI can be used to perform real-time monitoring of financial transactions, allowing auditors to identify issues as they occur.
    • Example: Real-time monitoring of financial transactions to identify instances of unauthorized spending.
    • AI model or algorithm: Real-time data processing and monitoring systems.
  10. Decision Support: AI can provide auditors with insights and recommendations that can be used to inform their decision-making during the audit process.
    • Example: Providing auditors with insights and recommendations based on past audit results.
    • AI model or algorithm: Machine learning algorithms such as decision trees, clustering, and regression analysis.

These are just a few examples of how AI can be used in financial audits. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of AI in the auditing profession.